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Writer's pictureThe Rev. Chris

The Heart of Humanity

What is the heart of humanity?

Is it success, fame, love?

For many, fame is a noble pursuit; the desire for the masses to know your name. When I was a kid, we wanted to grow up to be athletes and actors. Nowadays, the kids want to be influerncers and YouTube stars. Social media has made becoming famous accessible to the masses, but is that really where we should focus our heart?

For others, money is a noble pursuit or success or love or... happiness.

I believe happiness is the root of all of our pursuits. Even though they manifest themselves in different forms, all humans focus their hearts on happiness.

When you stop and think about it for a second, it is interesting that all of our goals and desires come down to the desire for happiness. However, as those who have reached their “desired goal” can testify, once you get the fame or the money or the love, you want more.  When is there enough? Well… never, seems to be the answer that our society tells us. Those with fame want more. The richest men and women in the world want more. Men and women in love aren’t happy with one lover so many go outside of the relationships hoping that they will find “real, lasting” love there. All our pursuits find their root in happiness and our happiness seems to feed off of the want for more. Once we have gotten the more, we want even more than before. Weird how that works, right?

What it all comes down to is this? Our pursuit of happiness is an epidemic. We are slowly destroying ourselves and the world around with our need for more. This isn’t just a people problem either. The church also suffers twisted pursuits.

What is my point?

To give some new direction to the focus of our heart.

I believe that we were created to pursue happiness, happiness found in community. 

Community with one another and our creator.

I write to point us towards this community of love.

Feel free to join me.

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